Supported by the European Union India – Resource Efficiency Circular Economy Initiative (EUI-RECEI)

Foster the efficient and sustainable use of resources in India

Project Timeline

Current Status


Starting Date

15 february 2024

End Date

30 September 2026


Resource Efficiency, Circular Economy
Project Milestones

EU-REI starts

8th EU-India Environment Forum on Resource Efficiency and the Circular Economy: Benefits Beyond Environment

NITI Aayog and EU Delegation to India release the Strategy on Resource Efficiency (RE)

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) creates Resource Efficiency Cell (RE Cell)

EU’s Circular Economy Mission to India led by European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella

Release of EU-REI’s assessment reports in four sectors – June 2018 – the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) and the EU Delegation to India signed a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) for the implementation of the EU’s REI.

Release of Status Paper on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy, and four Sectoral Strategies on Resource Efficiency

Lead the Green Change Campaign for celebrating the World Environment Day

E-waste Collection Drive organised with 11 EU Member States

Release of Strategy for Fostering Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy in Goa

EU – India adopt Joint Declaration on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy

Release of Training Toolkit on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy

EU-REI participates as one of the 100 solutions to bounce back from COVID 19 the Paris Peace Forum

Beginning of EU-REI Phase – II

Launch of EU-REI Phase-II at TERI’s World Sustainable Development Summit

February 2022 – EU-REI contributed to the 3 NITI Aayog’s Circular Economy Committees for development of sectoral strategies and action plan

Training of Trainers on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy with ACMA

E-waste collection Drive with EU Delegation and 6 EU Member States


Sustainable modernization, scalable and inclusive RECE-related policies and practices in India, that draw inspiration from EU experiences, standards and tools to facilitate the setting-up of sustainable value chains are adopted and promoted
Towards this aim this initiative works on achieving these 3 outputs

EU-REI starts

8th EU-India Environment Forum on Resource Efficiency and the Circular Economy: Benefits Beyond Environment

NITI Aayog and EU Delegation to India release the Strategy on Resource Efficiency (RE)

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) creates Resource Efficiency Cell (RE Cell)

EU’s Circular Economy Mission to India led by European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella

Release of EU-REI’s assessment reports in four sectors – June 2018 – the Indian Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) and the EU Delegation to India signed a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI) for the implementation of the EU’s REI.

Release of Status Paper on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy, and four Sectoral Strategies on Resource Efficiency

Lead the Green Change Campaign for celebrating the World Environment Day

E-waste Collection Drive organised with 11 EU Member States

Release of Strategy for Fostering Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy in Goa

EU – India adopt Joint Declaration on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy

Release of Training Toolkit on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy

EU-REI participates as one of the 100 solutions to bounce back from COVID 19 the Paris Peace Forum

Beginning of EU-REI Phase – II

Launch of EU-REI Phase-II at TERI’s World Sustainable Development Summit

February 2022 – EU-REI contributed to the 3 NITI Aayog’s Circular Economy Committees for development of sectoral strategies and action plan

Training of Trainers on Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy with ACMA

E-waste collection Drive with EU Delegation and 6 EU Member States


Adoption and implementation of national RECE policies, including India’s national Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) framework and other policy instruments, such as digital Deposit Refund Scheme (DRS), are facilitated in selected sectors at national and state level


Implementation of circular economy solutions in inclusive value chains and circular business models are fostered in two selected states


Cooperation between EU and India private sector, youth and civil society on RECE is intensified, including engagement with RECE Industry Coalition, in fields such as remanufacturing, eco-design, innovation, uniform CE measurement and reporting

Focus Areas

The Phase I of the EU-REI project started in January 2017 and was successfully completed in December 2020. In its first phase, the initiative focused on abiotic resources (metals and minerals) in key sectors to incorporate resource efficiency and circularity in the four main areas of (I) Renewable Energy (Photovoltaics); (II) Waste including plastic waste, packaging, e-waste with incorporation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), (III) Building/ construction, and (IV) Mobility (electric and hybrid vehicles).
In Phase-II starting January 2021 until December 2023, the EU-REI continues to build on the results of Phase I, while at the same time it furthers the objectives of the India-EU Joint Declaration on Resource Efficiency (RE) and Circular Economy (CE) and supports the Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Cell at the MoEFCC in mainstreaming and strengthening the RE&CE approach in India. In Phase II, the EU-REI focuses on both biotic and abiotic resources including additional sectors such as textiles, and is also undertaking pilot implementation of measures.

Mobility (Electric and Hybrid vehicles)

The Government of India has introduced the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 which is expected to transform the automotive and transportation industry. By 2020, nearly 6-7 million electric vehicles (EVs) will ply on Indian roads.

Till March 2016, 4 lakh EVs were sold across the country, an increase of 37% from 2014-15 (Sarkar & Nigam, 2017).

Rare earths are critical materials for batteries and electric car motors, and most of these have to be imported by India.

Linear shifting from combustion engines to EVs alone will not address the environmental impacts that arise from extraction, production, material processing, usage of vehicles as well as dismantling and disposal. There is a need to look at the entire life-cycle of the product.

These figures suggest the importance of examining the resource consumption patterns and availability of primary and secondary raw materials. The resource recovery, environmental impacts of EV’s, and end-of-life management would be the focus areas of the project interventions.

The sector’s material demand (soil, sand, stone, limestone) is largest in the country after agriculture, and accounts for 23.6% of the country‘s CO2 emissions (Planning Commission, 2014).

70% of building stock that will be in use in 2030 is yet to be constructed, and urbanisation remains a major driver of resource consumption in construction (NRDC-ASCI-Shakti, 2012)

Two particular schemes of the Government of India, the Smart Cities scheme and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY) offer great opportunities for resource efficiency and secondary resource utilization.

Initiative will focus on the use of alternative input materials including secondary raw materials derived from construction and demolition waste.

Building and Construction

Renewable Energy (Photovoltaics)

India targets 100 GW of solar power by 2022, including 40 GW of grid-connected solar rooftop systems to address climate change commitments.

Photovoltaic (PV) waste could average 50,000-320,000 tonnes by 2030, possibly culminating in 4.4 -7.5 million tonnes by 2050 (IRENA and IEA-PVPS, 2016).

Demand for metals and rare earths such as Indium is on the rise on account of their use in solar PV systems, but their supply is scarce.

The project will develop an understanding on the material consumption to meet the demand of PV generation and environmentally sound management of end-of-life solar panels and batteries.

15.3 tonnes of plastic waste per annum (CPCB, 2014-2015); 1.8 million metric tonnes of electronic waste per annum (Assocham-cKinetics, 2016) is generated in India. The CPCB (2013) estimates that 70% of plastic packaging products are converted into waste in a very short time span.

The Plastics and E-waste Rules 2016 notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC), highlight Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) as a principle for waste management.

The initiative will support the implementation of EPR as an enabling framework to encourage producers and manufacturers to consider product design and material substitution for efficient resource recovery.

Waste (Plastics & Packaging and E-waste with a focus on Extended Producer Responsibility)

Our Impact



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Geographical Reach

Resource Efficiency and
Circular Economy

EU-India RECEI works to support the various stakeholders at national, state and city level on resource efficiency and circular economy. It seeks to develop a broad-based discourse on resource efficiency and circular economy, undertake identification of relevant measures at different levels with relevant actors, and facilitate partnerships and collaborations for development of innovative circular solutions.
Implementation of circular economy solutions in inclusive value chains and circular business models are fostered in two selected states in India.